The illusion of purpose💡

You and your purpose in life are the same thing. Your purpose is to be you.

George Alexiou

Hey Reader,

I know what I'm about to say might not make much sense; it might even sound a bit esoteric, especially for those who might still be struggling with overwhelming emotions of sadness, anxiety, stagnation, etc.

But I thought I would address this because I get this question a lot: "How do I find my purpose?"

Many of us can relate to this struggle because the journey towards finding "our purpose" can be confusing and frustrating.

We often go about it linearly, seeking a tangible "it" answer that will finally make us whole and give us a sense of completion.

But this is not only a misconception but a powerful illusion that often keeps us trapped.

Life is not an assembly line where we simply follow a predetermined path.

We're more like living, breathing organisms, constantly evolving and adapting.

The constant pressure to "be someone" or "do something" can be exhausting, causing us to feel rushed and anxious.

It's like we're on an imaginary ticking clock, unsure of what we "should be" working towards.

This internal conflict can leave us feeling uncertain about our next steps, resulting in a lack of progress and momentum.

It’s a conditioning that needs powerful dismantling.

You see, the quest for purpose is more than just a logical pursuit—it’s deeply spiritual.

It's not about achieving a specific outcome but rather about personal growth and evolution.

The underlying question is actually: "How can I become the best version of myself?"

Instead of fixating on a specific end goal, it’s about embracing the journey itself.

Life is a continuous growth and change process, filled with challenges and joys.

When we ask the question, "What is my purpose?" we skip over untapped self-discoveries.

It’s like trying to start a fire without gathering the wood. You need to collect the wood first before starting the fire.

This means that in order to truly understand our purpose, we must identify and overcome any barriers that prevent us from living authentically and joyfully and discovering inner peace.

Therefore, purpose is not a fixed destination but rather an ever-evolving aspect of our existence.

And while it might be tempting to seek instant gratification and a quick answer to the question of purpose, we must trust in the process and allow ourselves to unfold naturally.

Remember, cultivating curiosity allows us to explore the world around us and ourselves with wonder and openness.

From there the answers will reveal themselves to you.

If you're at a crossroads with this question, here’s a quick recap:

  • The journey. Embrace the ups and downs, the challenges and triumphs. Every experience, no matter how difficult, is an opportunity for growth and massive clarity.
  • Identify your barriers. These may be internal beliefs like self-doubt, external circumstances like financial constraints, or unhealthy habits like procrastination. By understanding these barriers, you can begin to overcome them.
  • Cultivate curiosity. Ask questions, seek new experiences, and be willing to step outside of your comfort zone. For instance, start a new hobby and play more, read a book on a topic you know nothing about, or start a conversation with a stranger. Curiosity is the key to self-discovery and personal growth.
  • Trust the process. The journey itself is the purpose. There's no need to rush or try to force things. Trust that you're on the right path, even if it doesn't always feel that way.

Understand that purpose is a deep, interconnected aspect of our existence.

And it’s about moving away from a “fixed existence.”

Rather than waiting for a grand purpose to reveal itself, we can find meaning in the everyday moments of our lives as it unfolds.

✨As the quote above mentioned, YOU are the purpose.✨

Like always, reply to this email and let me know how this lands for you.

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With Love,


Defying Resistance

I’m a clinical therapist and plant medicine integration coach. My journey began in 2013 when burnout forced me to reevaluate my life. After a spontaneous move to Thailand in 2016, my life took a profound turn. Traveling to 25+ countries, I've worked with 7 shamans and mentored under another all across the globe. Now, I'm passionate about helping others to ditch the fear and the self-doubt so they can fall deeply in love with life. I provide one-on-one support. I also guide people through psychedelic journeys and organize plant medicine retreats. Together, we'll break free from limiting patterns and discover your true potential. Let's defy the resistance and unlock everything within you that's locked away.

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